This screen is the hub for all information pertaining to a specific academic term.
The screen has 5 pages: Details, Custom, Fees, Classes and Students
This page displays the basic details of the term which can be edited via the Edit Term screen by clicking on the lower right. Check the Edit Term help topic for a description of each field.
Click the tools icon on the lower right and select Create Online Accounts to create online accounts for all the students of the term. The system will create a username and a password for all the students of the term who have an email address and who do not already have a username. It will also automatically assign them the Student role and email them their new credentials. The username created by the system for each student depends on the Default Username Format setting in the My Institution screen. The students will be required to update their password the first time they log in.
This page displays custom fields added to the term. We can easily add fields customized to the need of your institution to this page. Current fields are:
- Discount For Full Payment Enter the percentage by which discountable fees will be discounted if the student pays in full.
Click on a row to edit the value of a field if applicable.
Use this page to manage the fees which College Office will automatically bill to students when they register online for this term.
To add fees, click on the lower right and select Fees. You can add 6 types of fees:
- Credit Hour Fee
- Audit Hour Fee
- Registration Fee - Credit Student
- Late Registration Fee - Credit Student
- Registration Fee - Audit Student
- Late Registration Fee - Audit Student
Set the Fee Level at which you are recording the fees and click on each fee you would like to add. The default fee level is 1, but you can record Credit and Audit fees for other fee levels. The fee level matches the corresponding Fee Level field in a Course, so that if a Course is marked as having a fee level 1, then the system will use the Credit and Audit Fees of level 1 when computing a student tuition, if the course is marked as having a fee level 2, then College Office will use Credit and Audit Fees of level 2 when computing a student tuition fees, etc.. You can add as many levels as needed, for example one level for undergraduate courses, a second level for postgraduate courses and even a level 0 for courses which are free: you will just need to create Credit and Audit fees for each of these levels. Note that Fee Level does not apply to Registration or Late Registration fees.
Once you have added the fees, click on a row to edit the properties of that fee via the Edit Fee screen. Please check the Edit Fee help topic for an explanation of each property you should edit.
This page lists all the classes of the term. Each tile shows:
- The class course and section
- The number of credits of the class.
- The type of schedule that governs the class. It can be either Live for traditional classes taught with a schedule, or Recorded for classes whose content is consumed by the students on their own schedule.
- Size: is the actual number of students in the class
- Seats: is the maximum capacity of the class
Click on a tile to view that class via the Class screen.
Click on the lower right to filter the list of classes by course, schedule type or department.
Click on the lower right to add a single class. After selecting the course you will be able to immediately edit the details of the new class first via the Edit Class screen and then the Class screen.
Click on the lower right to add many classes at once. College Office creates a class for each course you click with the chosen Section and Schedule Type. Click the X button on the upper left when done. Check the Edit Class help topic for an explanation of the Section and Schedule Type fields.
Click on the lower right to duplicate the classes of another term into this term.
This page lists all the students enrolled in the term. Each tile shows:
- The name of the student
- The student grade level
- The status of the student in the term (which is different from the student's status) if applicable.
- FT: (Full Time Status) Yes or No whether the student is considered full time or not in the term. This flag can be automatically updated by College Office based upon the student class enrollments in the term though it can also be manually overridden. Check the Set Full Time Status flag to Yes on the Settings page of the My Institution screen if you want College Office to set this fag automatically.
- 1st: (1st Time Status) Yes or No whether the student is attending for the first time this term. This flag is automatically set by College Office when you enroll a student in a term but can also be overridden.
- Cr.Earned: Number of credits earned by the student during the term.
- Cr.Tried: Number of credits tried by the student during the term.
- GPA: GPA of the student for the term.
Click on the lower right to enroll a single student into the Term then click on the student you wish to enroll in the term. After selecting the student you will be able to immediately edit the details of the student's enrollment in the term via the Edit Student Term screen.
Click on the lower right to enroll many students into the Term.
Whether you enroll students into the term, College Office lets you choose from the list of all students with a student record active during the term (based on the start and end dates of both the student record and the term record,) who are not already enrolled in the term, and College Office will also automatically set the Grade Level and First Time status of the new student(s) in the term.
Tip: you can also enroll a student in a term while enrolling them in a class of that term via the Students page of the Class screen.
You can filter the list of students by name and grade level on the upper left of the screen. For more filtering options click on the lower right to filter students by Audit Student or Credit Student status, status in the term, full time status, first time status, number of credits tried or GPA.
Click on a row to view the details of the student term enrollment record via the Student Term screen..
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 09/05/22
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