Edit Class

ADMINISTRATION -> Terms -> Term -> Class -> Edit Class

This screen is used to record the basic details of the class.

  • Course Code: course code of the class. Click to the right to select a course from the list of active courses.
  • Section: class section, used to distinguish several classes teaching the same course during the same academic term. The system will generate an error if a class with the same course and same section already exists.
  • Credits: number of credits of the class, by default this is the number of credits of the course.
  • Seats: number of seats in the class.
  • Delivery Method: course content delivery method if applicable. The list of available methods is defined via Delivery Methods in Setup.
  • Schedule Type: the value of this field is determined when the class is created and cannot be changed afterwards. The Schedule is either Live for traditional classes taught on a fixed schedule, or Recorded for classes without a fixed schedule which students consume on their own.
  • Sessions: number of class sessions. This field is only visible for Recorded classes. The system automatically creates a number of sessions equal to that number.
  • Start Date: start date of the class, by default this is the start date of the academic term.
  • End Date: end date of the class, by default this is the end date of the academic term.
  • Virtual Room: default web address for remote class meetings (using Zoom or similar technology.) The value you enter here will be propagated as the default Virtual Room of all the sessions of the class. You can also enter a Virtual Room specific to a session via the Edit Class Session screen.
  • Meeting Code: default code or password required by the virtual room. The value you enter here will be propagated as the default Meeting Code of all the sessions of the class. You can also enter a Meeting Code specific to a session via the Edit Class Session screen.

Note: the start and end date of the class affects the class sessions automatically generated by College Office based upon the class schedule. See Schedule and Sessions in the Class screen help topic.

© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/20
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