Student Term
ADMINISTRATION -> Students -> Student -> Student Term
The Student Term screen lets you see all the information pertaining to a student in a term. The screen has 6 pages: Details, Advisers, Classes, Independent Courses, Schedule and Sessions.
Click on the purple hyperlinked student name or ID to view their student record.
Click on the purple hyperlinked term name to view the term record. Closed or Open refer to the status of the term (see the Edit Term help topic for more details.)
- Grade Level: student's Grade Level for this term. It can be automatically set by College Office when you enroll a student into a term (see the Edit Student Term help topic.)
- Status in Term: student's status in the term (different from the student's current status.)
- Audit/Credit: indicates if the student is a Credit Student or an Audit Student. This field is automatically set by the system.
- Delivery Method: student's default class delivery method for the term if applicable. This can be overridden at the class level. This field is only use for reporting purposes.
- Full Time: "Yes" is the student is considered full time for this term, "No" otherwise. This status can be set automatically by College Office (see the Edit Student Term help topic.)
- Locked: "Yes" is the Full Time status of the student should not be automatically updated by College Office, "No" otherwise.
- 1st Time: "Yes" is this is the first term the student is attending. This status is automatically set by College Office when you enroll a student in a term.
- Credits Tried: total number of credits tried by the student in the term.
- Credits Earned: total number of credits earned by the student in the term.
- Quality Points: points earned by the student in the term.
- GPA: Grade Points Average of the student in the term.
Click the Finances button on the lower right of the page to access the student financial records.
If the term is open, click the edit button on the lower right of the page to edit the student term enrollment.
Click on the lower right if the displayed computed academic statistics do not reflect the most recent changes made (this may occur in rare scenarios and only affects the displayed values, not the real values stored in the database.)
This page lists the advisers who are advisers to this student for that term only.
Click a row to edit that record via the Edit Adviser screen.
Click on the lower right to add an adviser via the Edit Adviser screen.
Note: you can also assign an adviser from the Advisers page of the Student screen.
The page shows all the classes taken by the student during the term. Each tile shows:
- The class course, section and number of credits.
- repeat means the class is a repeat of a class previously taken.
- replaced means this class has been repeated later and should be ignored in the computation of the overall GPA.
- The student average and final grade if applicable.
- The attendance counts for Present, Late, Absent and Excused.
Click anywhere on a tile outside the purple hyperlinked course code to edit (or view, depending if the term is open or closed) the student class enrollment record.
Click on the purple hyperlinked course code to view that class.
If the term is open, click on the lower right to enroll the student in many classes at once or click to enroll the student in a single class. Either way College Office displays the list of all the classes which offer a course which the student is not already taking during that term (alternatively, you can also choose to show all the classes in which the student is not already enrolled during that term, though they may teach a course the student is already taking during that term.) When enrolling in many classes at once, click on each class and then click the close X button when done. When enrolling in a single class, click on the class and College Office will immediately let you edit the details of that student class enrollment record.
Click on the lower right if the displayed computed academic statistics do not reflect the most recent changes made (this may occur in rare scenarios and only affects the displayed values, not the real values stored in the database.)
Tip: you can also enroll a student in a class from the Students page of the Class screen.
Independent Courses
The page shows all the independent courses the student is enrolled in during the term. An independent course is a course taken by the student apart from a class, usually under the supervision of an instructor. Each tile shows:
- The course code and the number of credits
- repeat means the course is a repeat of a course previously taken.
- replaced means this course has been repeated later and should be ignored in the computation of the overall GPA.
- The student final grade if applicable.
- The course title.
If the term is open, click on the lower right to enroll the student in many courses at once or click to enroll the student in a single course. Either way College Office displays the list of all active courses. When enrolling in many courses at once, click on each course and then click the close X button when done. When enrolling in a single course, click on the course and College Office will immediately let you edit the details of that student course enrollment record.
Click on a tile to edit (or view, depending if the term is open or closed) that student course enrollment record.
Click on the lower right if the displayed computed academic statistics do not reflect the most recent changes made (this may occur in rare scenarios and only affects the displayed values, not the real values stored in the database.)
This page shows the student's schedule during the term based upon the schedules of all the live classes he/she is enrolled in. There is no schedule for recorded classes.
This page shows all the class sessions, live and recorded, of the student during the term with their attendance status. Live session have a date & time while recorded sessions only have a session number. Each row shows:
- The class course code and section
- The session identified either by its date and time for live classes or its session number for recorded classes
- The session title if applicable.
- The session instructor if applicable.
- The session room, virtual room (web address for remote class meetings) and meeting code as applicable.
- The student attendance for the session.
If the term is Open, click on a row to edit the student's attendance.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 09/02/20
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