ADMINISTRATION -> Students -> Student
The Student screen shows all the information pertaining to a student. The screen has 9 pages: Details, Custom, Advisers, Programs, Terms, Classes, Independent Courses, Transfers and Documents.
The 1 in the forms's title such as 1:Stephanie Carrey means it is the first student record of Stephanie Carrey (see discussion of this issue in the Edit Student help topic.)
Click on the hyperlinked purple student name or ID to view their person record via the Person screen.
The page displays:
- Student Balance: the current financial balance of the student. Click on the balance to access the Student Financial Records screen (same as clicking the on the bottom right.)
- Primary Email: student primary email. Click on the email address to send an email from your default email client program.
- Mobile Phone: student mobile number.
- Effective Start: effective start date of the student
- Effective End Date: effective end date of the student
- Status & Effective Date: current status of the student & date when the current status became effective. Click on the hyperlinked purple status or effective date, or on the button to the right, to change the current status of the student or to view the history of all status changes via the Student Statuses screen.
- Campus: campus of the admission record if applicable
- Last Date of Attendance: last date the student attended a class (used by some institutions for reporting purposes.)
- Previous College Experience: whether or not the person has previous college experience
- Former Institution: educational institution previously attended by the student before applying to your institution.
- Academic statistics of the student for all academic terms (using a blue color, the standard color used in College Office to indicate automatically computed values):
- Credits Tried: total number of credits tried by the student.
- Credits Earned: total number of credits earned by the student.
- Credits Transferred: total number of credits transferred.
- Quality Points: number of points earned by the student.
- GPA: Grade Points Average of the student.
Click on the lower right to access the Student Financial Records screen.
Click on the lower right to edit the student information via the Edit Student screen.
Click on the lower right if the displayed computed academic statistics do not reflect the most recent changes made (this may occur in rare scenarios and only affects the displayed values, not the real values stored in the database.)
This page displays custom data fields about the student. We can easily add fields customized to the need of your institution to this page.
Click on a row to edit that field content if applicable.
This page shows all the advisers of the student. Each tile displays:
- The name of the adviser.
- If applicable, the term of study during which the instructor is an adviser to the student. If a term is indicated, then the instructor is an adviser to that student only for that term and can only see the student's academic information of that term. If no term is indicated, then the instructor is an adviser to that student for the entire duration of the student's studies and can see the student's academic information of any term.
- If applicable, the program of study for which the instructor is an adviser to that student.
Click on a tile to edit that record via the Edit Adviser screen.
Click to add a new adviser via the Edit Adviser screen.
This pages shows all the programs of study of the student. Each tile displays:
- The name of the program of study
- The graduation event when student has graduated or is scheduled to graduate if applicable.
Click on the lower right to enroll the student into a new program via the Edit Student Program screen.
Click on a tile to edit that student's program enrollment record, or to view more information (specializations, status, notes) via the Edit Student Program screen.
This page shows the term enrollment records of the student. Each tile displays:
- The name of the term
- The Closed or Open status of the term (see the Edit Term help topic for more details.)
- The student grade level in the term
- 1st: whether this is or not the first term of the student
- FT: whether the student is Full Time or not for that term.
- Tried: number of credits tried by the student that term.
- Earned: number of credits earned by the student that term.
- GPA: Grade Point Average of the student for that term.
Click on the lower right to enroll the student into a new term via the Edit Student Term screen.
Click on a tile to view that student's term enrollment record via the Student Term screen.
Tip: you can enroll a student in a term from several paths:
- from here, the Terms page of the Student View screen.
- from the Students page of the Term screen.
- while enrolling the student in a class from the Students page of the Class screen.
The page shows all the classes taken by the student. Each tile displays:
- The name of the term
- The Closed or Open status of the term (see the Edit Term help topic for more details.)
- The code of the course (purple & hyperlinked to the class)
- The class section
- The number of credits
- The title of the course
- The number of times the student is Present, Late, Absent and Excused.
- The student grade average computed by the grade-book module.
- The student final grade.
Click anywhere on a tile outside the purple hyperlink to edit (or view depending if the term is open or close) the student class enrollment record via the Edit Student Class screen.
Click on the purple hyperlinked course code to view the class information via the Class screen.
Note: you enroll a student in a class from either the Students page of the Class screen or the Classes page of the Student Term screen.
Independent Courses
The page shows all the independent courses the student is enrolled in. An independent course is a course taken by the student apart from a class, usually under the supervision of an instructor. Each tile displays:
- The name of the term.
- The Closed or Open status of that term (see the Term Edit help topic for more details.)
- The code of the course.
- The number of credits for the course.
- The student final grade.
- The course title.
Click on a tile to edit (or view depending if the term is open or close) that student course enrollment record.
Note: you enroll a student in an independent course from the Indpendent Courses page of the Student Term screen.
This page shows all the credit transfers granted to the student by your institution. Each tile displays:
- The name of the course or program in the sending institution.
- The name of the sending institution.
- The number of credits granted to the students.
- More details about the transfer such as the course granted or the subject and course level granted. See the Edit Transfer help topic for more details.
Click on the lower right to add a new transfer via the Edit Transfer screen.
Click on a tile to edit a transfer via the Edit Transfer screen.
This page displays all the documents that have been attached to this student admission record. Each tile displays:
- The date and time when the document was posted.
- The source or origin of the document, either Institution if the document was uploaded by the institution or Student if the document was uploaded by the student/applicant.
- The visibility of the document, either Internal if the document is hidden from the student or Public if the document is visible to the student on their portal.
- The name and/or the web address of the document as applicable.
Click on the name of the document to retrieve it. Click anywhere else on the row to edit the information.
Click on the lower right of the screen to upload a new document or a new link. A popup will appear asking you if the document you are about to upload should be Internal (hidden from the student) or Public (visible to the student.)
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 10/02/22
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