Edit Student Program
ADMINISTRATION -> Students -> Student -> Edit Student Program
This screen is used to record the information that pertains to the enrollment of a student in a program of study. It has 2 pages, Details and Specializations.
- Program: use the drop down list to select one of the active programs of study.
- Status: status of the student in the program. The list of available statuses is defined via Student Program Statuses in Setup.
- Graduation: if applicable, use the drop down box to select the graduation event at which the student is scheduled to graduate from this program of study. Graduation events are defined via the Graduations screen. Note: if the student belongs to a campus, then only graduation events linked to that campus are listed in the drop down list!
Use this page to assign one or more specialization(s) if the program of study has specializations.
Click on the lower right to enroll the student is one of the active specializations of the program.
Click on a specialization to remove it from the student program record.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/20
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