Staff Member
ADMINISTRATION -> Staff -> Staff Member
This screen shows relevant information pertaining to a staff member. It has 3 pages: Details, Classes and Advisees.
Click the purple hyperlinked name of the person to view their person record via the Person screen.
- Title: title or position of this staff member.
- Starts: work start date.
- Ends: work end date if applicable.
- Tel: work phone number of this staff member which is displayed to his or her students and advisees.
- Campus: campus assigned to this staff member if applicable.
- Department: department assigned to this staff member if applicable.
Click on the lower right to edit this information via the Edit Staff Member screen.
This page shows all the classes this staff member is teaching or has taught. You can filter by academic term or by campus.
Click on a row to view that class information via the Class screen.
Tip: a staff member is assigned as the teacher of a class via the Edit Class screen.
An advisee is a student to whom the staff member (instructor) is an adviser.
This page displays the advisees of the instructor. By default, only current advisees are displayed: change the Advisees On date on the upper left to view advisees who were current as of another date. Clear that date to show all current and past advisees. You can also filter the advisees by program of study, academic term or campus by clicking on the lower right.
Each row shows:
- The name of the student to whom the instructor is an adviser.
- If applicable, the term of study during which the instructor is an adviser to the student. If a term is indicated, then the instructor if only an adviser to that student during that term and can only view the academic information of that student for that term from the instructor's portal. If no term is indicated, then the instructor is an adviser to that student for the entire duration of the student's studies and can view the academic information of that student for any term.
- If applicable, the program of study for which the instructor is an adviser to that student.
Click on a row to view that student's academic record, either the Student record if no term is indicated or the Student Term record if a term is indicated.
Note: advisers are assigned to students from the Advisers page of either the Student or Student Term screens.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/20
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