Class Session

STUDENT -> Academic Records -> Class -> Class Session

This screen gives you all the information you need about the class session. It has 3 pages: Details, Documents and Assignments.


  • Session: either a date & time if the class is live or a number if the class is recorded.
  • Attendance: your attendance status for this session.
  • Title: title or subject of the session.
  • Description: description of the session learning objectives.
  • Instructor: session instructor (out of the team of instructors assigned to the class).
  • Room: room where session is presented if applicable.Use this screen to view all the details of your class session.
  • Virtual Room: web address for remote class meetings (using Zoom or similar technology.) Just click to join the meeting.
  • Meeting code: code or password required by the virtual room.


This page lists the documents which have been assigned by the instructor to this session. Click on a tile to download that document.


This page lists all the assignments which are due for this session. Each row shows:

  • The assignment type.
  • optional means you will not get an incomplete for not turning the assignment in, but it will be counted towards your final average if you turn it in.
  • The assignment title.
  • Your grade if available

Click on a row to view the details of the assignment (assignment description, grade received, instructor's comment, attached documents) via the Class Assignment screen.

© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/20
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