STUDENT -> Academic Records -> Class
This screen shows all your class information. It has 5 pages: Details, Schedule, Sessions, Assignments and Documents.
This page displays the details of the class:
- Starts: your start date in the class, by default same as the class start date.
- Ends: your end or withdrawal date in the class, by default same as the class end date.
- Schedule Type: either Live for classes taught live via a schedule or Recorded for classes consumed by the students on their own schedule.
- Default Virtual Room and Meeting code: the default virtual room for online learning. Check the Virtual Room of the specific class sessionyou plan attending if your class does not have a permanent virtual room.
- Credits: number of credits for the class.
- Repeat: "Yes" if this is a repeat course, "No" otherwise.
- Replaced: "Yes" if the grade received in this class is replaced/superseded by the grade received in a repeat class of the same course, "No" otherwise.
- The number of time you were Present, Late, Absent or Excused.
- Status in Class: your current status in the class if applicable.
- Delivery Method: your course delivery method for that class if applicable.
- Average you current average in the class.
- Grade your final grade in the class if available
The lower part of the screen displays the class instructors with their email and optionally their work phone number.
This page shows the schedule of the class. It is only visible for live classes, not for recorded classes.
This page shows all your class sessions. Each row shows:
- The session date & time (for live classes) or session number (for recorded classes).
- The title of the session if available.
- The instructor (from the team of instructors who teach the class) for that session.
- The room where the session is taught if applicable.
- The web address (virtual room) for remote class meetings (using Zoom or similar technology) if applicable.
- The code or password required by the virtual room.
- Your attendance for that session.
Click on a Virtual Room if available to access the cloud meeting in your browser.
Click on a row to view more details on that Class Session: session description, attached documents, assignments due.
The upper part of the page displays your current average in each assignment type.
The lower part of the page lists all the class assignments. Each row shows:
- The assignment type
- optional means you will not receive an Incomplete for not doing the assignment. If you do not complete an optional assignment, this assignment is excluded from your final average (you are not penalized,) but if you do the assignment, then it is computed in your final average.
- The session when the assignment is due if available.
- The title of the assignment.
- The grade you have received.
Click on a row to view more details on that Class Assignment, including the instructor's description of the assignment, his or her comments on your work and any relevant document attached to this assignment.
This page displays all the documents that have been attached to this class by the instructor(s). Some documents may be assigned to an assignment, others to a class session, and others just to the class in general (such as a syllabus.)
Click on a tile to download that document.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 05/27/22
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