Class Assignment

STUDENT -> Academic Records -> Class -> Class Assignment

This screen gives you all the information you need about the class assignment. It has 2 pages: Details and Documents


This pages gives you the basic information about the assignment.

  • Assignment Type: type of assignment for grading purposes
  • Weight Within Type: weight of this assignment within the type when computing averages.
  • Session Due: session when this assignment is due.
  • Optional: "Yes" if the assignment is optional, meaning you will not get an incomplete for not turning it in, but it will be counted towards your final average if you turn it in.
  • Received: date the assignment was received if recorded.
  • Grade: your grade for this assignment.
  • Description: description of the assignment.
  • Instructor's Comment: personal comment to you from the instructor.


This page lists all the documents the instructor has attached to this assignment. Click on a tile to download that document.

© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/20
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