Edit Subscription
SETUP -> Reports... -> Subscriptions -> Edit Subscription
This screen lets you edit a subscription. It has two pages: Details and Manifest
- Schedule: select the schedule applicable to run this report.
- Destination Type: select between FTP and SFTP. We will add further options in a later release.
- Format: select the output format of the report. Options are PDF, MS Word, MS Excel or CSV.
- Active: select Yes if the subscription is active and No other wise. Inactive subscriptions will not run.
- Compression: select Zip if the result should be sipped before being uploaded.
- File Name: Enter the name of the file that should be uploaded. If you leave this field empty then the name of the file will be the same as the name of the report.
- Date Time Suffix: select if you would like a time stamp suffix to be appended to the file name.
- Destination Address: enter the address of the FTP or SFTP site. It does not matter if you include ftp:// or sftp:// or not in the address.
- Username: enter the username to access the FTP or SFTP site.
- Password: enter the password to access the FTP or SFTP site.
- Port: enter the port number only if the remote site is using a non standard port number. Leave to 0 to use the standard port number of the selected protocol.
Only use this page if a manifest file needs to be included with the exported report, otherwise leave the 2 fields below blank.
- Manifest File Name:
- Manifest File Content:
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 01/26/21
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