
SETUP -> Reports... -> Subscriptions

Subscriptions enable you to run certain reports automatically according to a schedule you define and upload the output of the report to a remote FTP or SFTP site (in the future we will also add email, FTPS and cloud services as further choices.)

This screen shows the current list of subscriptions. It only shows active subscriptions by default: check the Active check box on the upper right to No to see inactive subscriptions. You can also filter the list of subscriptions by the name the report.

  • Click on a row to view that Subscription.
  • Click Run Now (last column to the right) to manually initiate a run. The subscriptions will run within the next five minutes after you click and confirm. If you click Run Now on several subscriptions, these subscriptions will be run in the order they were clicked.
  • Click on the lower right to create a new subsciption via the Edit Subscription screen.

© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 01/23/21
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