Edit My Institution
SETUP -> My Institution -> Edit My Institution
This screen is used to make changes to the settings of your institution. It has 2 pages: Details, and Settings.
Use this page to record the name, time zone, address, website, email address, telephone and fax that will be either displayed to users or printed on some reports.
You will need to scroll down in order to access all the fields on the page.
Use this page to record various settings that affect the way College Office operates.
Generate Personal ID: select "Yes" if you would like College Office to auto generate the person identifier "Person ID", "No" otherwise. College Office will generate the Person IDs according to the pattern defined in the PERSON record on the Increments page of the My Institution screen.
Students Upload Documents: select "Yes" if students can upload documents to their student record, "No" otherwise.
Users Edit Their Primary Email: select "Yes" to allow users to edit their primary email address in College Office. Set this to No if the primary email address is given to the students by your institution.
Users Edit Their Secondary Email: select "Yes" to allow users to edit their secondary email address in College Office. Set this to Yes if the secondary email address is the students personal email address.
Users Edit Their Mobile Number: select "Yes" to allow users to edit their mobile number in College Office.
Users Upload Their Picture: select "Yes" to allow users to upload their profile picture.
Teachers Record Attendance: select "Yes" to allow by default teachers to record attendance. This is only a default value which can be overridden at the class level via the Edit Class Instructor screen.
Teachers Modify Assignment Types: select "Yes" to allow by default teachers to edit the assignment types of their classes. This is only a default value which can be overridden at the class level via the Edit Class Instructor screen.
Teachers Record Grades (default): select "Yes" to allow by default teachers to record grades for their classes. This is only a default value which can be overridden at the class level via the Edit Class Instructor screen.
Teachers See Closed Terms select "Yes" to allow teachers to see their classes in closed terms (note that they won't be able to make any change since the term is closed). Select "No" (default) to hide from teachers their classes in closed terms.
Repeat Grades Management: tell College Office how it should handle repeat grades. You have 3 options:
- Managed by the user College Office will not manage the Replaced flag of the student class enrollment records: the user (Registrar) is responsible set the flag when a student repeats a class.
- College Office uses the best grade College Office will automatically use the best grade the student got of all the times he repeated a class as the valid grade. All others will have their Replaced flag set to true.
- College Office uses the latest grade College Office will automatically use the most recent grade the student got of all the times he repeated a class as the valid grade. All others will have their Replaced flag set to true.
Default Username Format: this determines the format College Office will use when suggesting or creating a username as either a concatenation of the 1st letter of the first name plus the last name purged of any special characters plus a number if required (in case username already exists) or as the user primary email address. This setting determines the username suggested by College Office when creating an online account for a single user or the usernames created by College Office when creating online accounts for all the students of a term at once from the Term screen.
Automatically Set Full Time Status: select "Yes" if you would like College Office to automatically set the Full Time status of students by comparing their number of credits attempted with the Full Time Credits value to the right.
Full Time Credits: number of credits required during a term for a student to be considered Full Time.
Auto Attendance: this feature is used to reduce the work of instructors when taking attendance. Attendance records are always assigned by default to Unknown and it is normally the instructor's responsibility when taking attendance to set them to either Present, Late, Absent or Excused. With this feature, you can instruct College Office to automatically set Unknown attendance to either Present, Late or Absent a set number of days after the class session has happened (this number of days is set via the Auto Attendance Delay in Days field to the right.) So, if you want you instructors to only record Late or Absent students and assume all others are Present, set Auto Attendance to Set to Present so that all records marked Unknown will automatically be set to Present. Set Auto Attendance to Do Nothing if you do not want to use this feature.
Auto Attendance Delay in Days: the Auto Attendance described above runs daily shortly after midnight EST. If you want the process to set the attendance of class sessions that happened previous day, set Auto Attendance Delay to 1 (or 0, it will have the same effect), if you want the process to set the attendance of class sessions that happened 2 days previously, set Auto Attendance Delay to 2, etc...
Default Class Duration (minutes): default duration of a class session in minutes.
Document Max Size (Kb): maximum size (in kilo bytes) of a document that can be uploaded or scanned into College Office. The larger the amount you allow, the greater your storage needs in College Office could be.
Payment Service: this is used to configure the online payment options of the students. The options are:
- Disabled: if you do not want to offer students the option of paying their bill online via College Office.
- Authorize.Net Payments: if you want to offer students the option of paying their bills online directly from within College Office via this third party payment processor. You will need to create an account with Authorize.Net (a Visa subsidiary) and record your credentials in the Merchant ID, Public Key and Private Key fields on the Custom page of the My Institution screen. Check Open an account with either Authorize.Net in the Online Registration help topic of the Knowledge Base for more details.
- Redirect to single URL: use this field to redirect students to a single payment portal. You will need to record the web address of this portal in the Payment URL field on the Custom page of the My Institution screen.
- Redirect to individual URL: use this field to redirect students to a customized payment link which is unique to them. This link is recorded in the Payment URL field on the Custom page of the Person screen. If you also enter a web address in the Payment URL field on the Custom page of the My Institution screen, then College Office will generate the Student Payment Web Address by concatenating the two fields.
Use Financial Module: Select "Yes" if you use College Office to manage students financial records and you wish students to be able to see their account balance and their financial transactions, select "No" otherwise. When this flag is set to "No" students will not be able to see any financial information when they login to the student portal but they will still be able to use the Online Payment button if you have so configured College Office.
Enable Payment Plans: Select "Yes" to give your students the option of paying their term tuition via a payment plan when they enroll online. This feature only works if the Payment Service option you selected is a 3rd party payments processor such as Authorize.net. College Office will interact with your payments processor to create a payment subscription.
Default Number of Payments: default number of payments in a student payment plan (this is just a default value, it can be overridden at the term level.)
Default Interval Unit: default interval unit (Day, Week or Month) of the payment plans schedules (this is just a default value, it can be overridden at the term level.)
Default Interval Length: default length of payments intervals (ex: if the interval unit is 'week' then a length of 2 means every 2 weeks) of the payment plans schedules (this is just a default value, it can be overridden at the term level.)
Ignore Past Due Bill: choose Yes if College Office should ignore past due bills when students register online, otherwise College Office will add any past due bill to the payment due at registration time.
Max Past Due Bill Ignored: if 'Ignore Past Due Bill' is set to Yes you can set here the maximum amount that College Office will ignore. Students with a past due bill greater than this amount will not be able to register online. This value is ignored when Ignore Past Due Bill is set to No.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 02/18/24
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