INSTRUCTOR -> Term -> Class
This screen is used to manage your class, it has 7 pages: Details, Schedule, Sessions, Students, Assignments, Documents and Messages.
This page displays the basic details of the class as well as its instructors.
- The class is defined by its course, section and term. Click on the hyperlinked purple term to view that term via the Term screen.
- Open refers to the status of the term of the class. Only Open terms are visible to instructors.
- Credits: number of credits of the class, by default this is the number of credits of the course.
- Course title
- Starts: start date of the class, by default this is the start date of the term.
- Ends: end date of the class, by default this is the end date of the term.
- Seats: maximum capacity of the class
- Class Size: number of students enrolled in the class.
- Schedule Type: type of schedule that governs the class. It can be either Live for traditional classes taught with a schedule, or Recorded for classes whose content is consumed by the students on their own schedule.
- Sessions: number of class sessions. This field is only visible when the Schedule Type is set to Recorded.
- Delivery Method: class default delivery method if applicable.
- Virtual Room: default web address for remote class meetings (using Zoom or similar technology.) This value can be overwritten at the session level.
- Meeting Code: default code or password required by the virtual room. This value can be overwritten at the session level.
Below are the class instructors (the red asterisk * indicates the primary instructor.)
Click on the lower right to print class specific reports.
Click on the lower right to edit the class Virtual Room or Meeting Code.
Note: this page is hidden for classes with a schedule type set to Recorded.
This page shows the class schedule. College Office uses this information to automatically generate all the sessions of the class (that is the points in time when the class meets), taking into account the days when your institution is closed.
Click on the lower right to print class specific reports.
This page displays all the class sessions that were automatically created by College Office based either on the class schedule for Live classes or the number of sessions of the class for Recorded classes.
Each tile shows:
- The date & time of the session for a Live class or the session number for a Recorded class.
- The duration of the session in minutes
- The title of the session if applicable.
- The instructor for this session out of the pool of instructors for the class.
- The room where class meets if applicable.
- The web address (virtual room) for remote class meetings (using Zoom or similar technology.)
- The code or password required by the virtual room.
Click on a row to view that class session and manage it via the Session screen.
Click to the right on Edit to quickly edit the basic information of that class session (session title, description, duration, instructor, room, virtual room & meeting code.)
Click on the lower right to print class specific reports.
This page lists all the students of the class. Each tile shows:
- The student name.
- repeat if this is a repeat of a class previously taken.
- replaced if this class has been repeated later and should be ignored in the computation of the overall GPA.
- The status of the student in the class if applicable.
- The student attendance counts for Present, Late, Absent and Excused.
- The student average of all the class assignments as computed by the grade-book module.
- The final grade of the student in the class if applicable.
Click on a tile to edit that student's class enrollment record via the Student screen.
Click on the lower right to print class specific reports.
Click on the lower right to record the final grades of the students. Select either Record Final Grades to record the final grades manually, Compute Final Grades to let College Office compute the final grades from the graded class assignments, or Assign Single Grade to assign the same grade to all students at once. When College Office computes the final grades of the students in the class, it first recomputes the weighted averages of the students for each assignment type and then recomputes the final average as the weighted average of the assignment type averages. This final average is then matched to the corresponding final letter grade.
Click a tile to manually record the final grade of that student via the Student screen.
This page is divided into 2 parts:
The upper part of the page shows the assignment types associated to the class. Click on a row to view the detailed properties of that class assignment type, as well as its assignments and student averages, via the Assignment Type screen.
Click on the lower right and select Assignment Type to add a new assignment type via the Edit Assignment Type screen (this option may not be available if you do not have the right to modify the class assignment types.)
Check Gradebook and Assignment Types for more details on assignment types.
The lower part of the page displays all the assignments of the class. Each tile shows:
- The type of the assignment.
- optional if students will not receive an Incomplete for not doing the assignment. If the student does not complete an optional assignment, this assignment is excluded from her final average (she is not penalized,) but if she does the assignment, then it is computed in her final average.
- The class session when the assignment is due if applicable.
- The weight of the assignment within the type.
- The title of the assignment.
Click on the lower right and select Assignment to add a new assignment via the Edit Assignment screen (this option may not be available if you do not have the right to modify the class assignments.)
Click on the lower right to print certain class reports.
Click on the lower right to import into this class the assignments and/or documents of another class of the same course in the same term that you are also teaching (the logged in user must a teacher of both classes.) The system lets you select the class from which to import the assignments and/or documents.
Click on a row to view and manage that assignment (record grades, attach documents...) via the Assignment screen.
This page displays all the documents attached to this class which students can download. Some documents may also be assigned to a specific assignment or class session, while others may are assigned to the class in general (such as a syllabus.) Each tile shows:
- The date the document was posted
- The name of the document
- The assignment and/or session to which the document my be assigned.
Click on a tile to retrieve, delete or edit that document or to edit its assignment or session via the Edit Class Document screen.
Click on the lower right of the screen to upload a new document. Depending on how your institution has configured College Office, you may be restricted by the size of the document that can be uploaded.
This page displays all the messages sent to the students of the class who have an email address on file.
Click on a tile to view the details of that message via the View Message screen.
Click on the lower right to broadcast a new message to the students of the class via the Create Message screen.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 01/26/21
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