Create Message
ADMINISTRATION -> Broadcasting -> Create Message
This screen is used to create a message that will be broadcasted to the individuals defined by the target group.
The screen has 3 pages: Target Group, Message and Attachments.
Once you have defined the target group and entered the message, click the save button on the upper right to broadcast it, or click to cancel without sending the message.
Target Group
The page is used to define the target group of the message.
See the Examples of Broadcast Targets help topic to see some real life applications.
The visibility of certain fields depends the selection made in other fields.
- Term: target students of a specific term.
- Grade Level: target students of a specific grade level (only available once you select a term.)
- Course and Section: target students of a specific class (only available once you select a term.)
- Exclude Audit Students: only visible if you are targeting the students of a class: should audit students be included?
- Exclude Withdrawn Students: only visible if you are targeting the students of a class: should withdrawn students be included?
- Program: target the students enrolled in a specific program.
- Graduation: target the students of a specific graduation.
- Gender: target people of specific gender.
- List: target the members of a list (only active members based on their enrollment start and end date are included.)
Recipients can furthermore be targeted according to various statuses. If a status category is left empty, then recipients are not targeted according to that status category. To add targeting statuses click the button on the lower right and select the category of status you want to include (Student, Term Enrollment, Program Enrollment or Class Enrollment Status) and then add one or more statuses of that category.
- Student Statuses: target students with either of these student statuses.
- Term Statuses: target students with either of these term statuses (only visible if you have selected a term.)
- Program Statuses: target students with either of there program statuses.
- Class Statuses: target students with either of these class statuses (only visible if you have selected a term.)
Note: the more conditions you add, the more restrictive the filter is (with the exception that when entering several statuses of the same category then the filter returns students who meet either status). Leaving all conditions empty will broadcast a message to all students with a current student record (according to the start and end dates of the admission record). The filter will also automatically be restricted to current admission records if you filter on programs, student statuses or program statuses without filtering on term, list or graduation.
Note: the same screen is used to send a message to the students of a class from the Class screen: in this case the target group is restricted to the class and most of the other filtering options are disabled.
This page is used to define the content of the email message.
- *Subject: this is the subject of the email.
- Body: this is the plain text body of the message. The recipient of the message will see this message as you type it: with spaces and line feeds. There is also limited support for HTML tags if you know HTML. (For those in the know, the content of this field is automatically bracketed by the <PRE> HTML tag.)
- HTML: you can use this field to create text with HTML tags. The content of this field is appended to the previous field outside of the <PRE> HTML tag. Note that any extra space or line feeds you insert will not appear to the recipient: you must insert the
HTML tag to add a line feed.
Use this page to attach documents to the email message that will be sent to the recipients: for each attached document a hyperlink is added at the bottom of the email that lets the recipient directly download the document from our server.
Warning: any person to whom the links are forwarded will also be able to download these documents!
Click the on the lower right to attach a new document.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 12/04/22
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