Edit Program
ADMINISTRATION -> Programs -> Program -> Edit Program
This screen is used to edit the details of a program of study. It has 2 pages: Details and NSLDS.
- Program: name of the program.
- Active: "Yes" if the program is currently active, "No" otherwise. Inactive programs are hidden from the user for any new data entry.
- Program Type: type of program (printed as Credential Awarded on the student transcript.) The list of available types is defined via Program Types in Setup.
- Department: department responsible for the program. The list of available departments is defined via Departments in Setup.
- Code: program code if applicable.
- Credits: basic number of credits of this program, not including extra credits related to some specializations (used in some reports.)
- Financial Aid Credits: number of financial aids credits of this program, not including extra financial aid credits related to some specializations (used in some reports.)
Use this page to record program data specific to the US National Student Loan Data System. This data is used when generating the NSLDS Enrollment Report (check that help topic for an explanation of the fields.)
Note: once you have created a new program, use the Program screen to add specializations and requirements.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 11/14/22
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