Edit Discount Rule
SETUP -> Billing -> Discount Rules -> Edit Discount Rule
- Name: give a user friendly name to the discount
- Type: choose between Pay In Full Discount (a discount that is applied when students pay their bill in full at registration) and Age Based Discount (a discount that is applied based upon the age of the student.)
- % Rate: enter the percentage rate of the discount. Please note that discounts are cumulative.
You should not record more than 1 Pay In Full Discount, on the other hand you can record many Age Based Discounts. When editing an Age Based Discount the following fields become visible:
- Start Age and End Age: the discount applies to students whose age is between Start Age and End Age. If Start Age is empty then the discount applies to all students younger that End Age. If End Age is empty, then the discount applies to all students older than Start Age.
- Date Rule is used to indicate which date the system should use when determining the age of a student. The options are:
- Use Registration Date: the system will determine the age of the student on the date he registers online.
- Use Term Start Date: the system will determine the age of the student on the date the term begins.
- Use Term End Date: the system will determine the age of the student on the date the term ends.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/11/22
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