Online Registration
STUDENT -> Online Registration
The screen lets you register for classes in the upcoming term. It has 2 pages which reflect the 2 steps of the process: 1 Select Classes and 2 Confirm.
1 Select Classes
Use this page to enroll (or disenroll) as a Credit or Audit student in the classes offered that term.
Click on the link labeled Click here to see the fees for this term to see the standard fees for this term not including any discount yo may qualify for. Your personal discounts will show on the next page along with the reduced fees if applicable.
The page shows all the available classes with the recommended courses listed first. Each row shows:
- The course, section, course level and number of credits of the class.
- The fee level of the class.
- The title of the course
- An indicator to guide you when registering:
- Recommended: you should take this class as it will satisfy an unfulfilled requirement of your program(s) of study.
- Optional: you are free to take this class.
- Not needed: you have already passed this course in the past or are already registered during this term in another class offering the same course.
- Not allowed: you cannot take the class because it requires a pre-requisite which you have not fulfilled.
- A label indicating whether you are registered or not in the class for Credit or for Audit.
Click on a row to view more details about the class (instructors, schedule, requirements) and to register (or un-register) for that Class via the Edit Class Registration screen.
2 Confirm
Use this page to finalize the process and pay applicable fees once you have selected your classes.
Select the payment term of your choice: either Pay in full or Payment Plan. Once you have chosen either one of these options College Office computes your bill applying any applicable discount and taking into account any previous payment if this is a change to an existing registration. The number in blue, New Bill, is your total bill, the number in red, Due Now, is what you must pay now in order to finalize your registration. If you elect to pay via a Payment Plan the system will also display all the relevant payment plan information.
You must click the CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE REGISTRATION button in order to finalize your registration!
If you have a Due Now payment and/or a payment plan, College Office redirects you to an online payment screen where you can enter your payment method information. College Office will then charge you for the fee due at registration as well as set up a recurring payment subscription if applicable. Your registration is complete once your payment has been successfully processed.
Note: You can always return to this screen to add or drop classes as long as the online registration process is open.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 09/13/22
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