View Notice

SETUP -> Notices -> View Notice

This screen lets you view the details of a notice, its target population and the users from that population who have consented or not yet consented to it. The screen has 4 pages: Details, Target Roles, Consented and Not Consented.


This page shows the basic details of the notice: see the explanations in the Create Notice help topic.

Click the button on the lower right to edit this information via the Create Notice screen.

Target Roles

This page lists the roles of the users who are required to consent to the notice. Click the button on the lower right to edit this list via the Create Notice screen.


This page displays the list of all the users who have already consented to the notice with their consent date. Click on a line to see more details on the specific user consent.

Not Consented

This page displays the list of all the users who have not yet consented to the notice.

© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/20
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