Edit Student Independent Course
ADMINISTRATION -> Students -> Student -> Edit Student Independent Course
This screen is used to edit the enrollment of a student in an independent course study.
- Repeat: "Yes" if this is a repeat course. This information is printed on the transcript. "No" otherwise.
- Superseded: "Yes" if the grade the student received in this course is superseded by the grade they received in a "Repeat" class. This information is used when computing the student GPA and earned credits.
- Course: course code. Click on the right to select another course.
- Term: academic term.
- Grade: final grade of the student in the course.
- Credits: number of credits student receives for the course. By default this is the number of credits of the course.
- Status: status of the student in the course. The list of available statuses is defined via Student Class Statuses in Setup.
- Delivery Method: course content delivery method if applicable. By default this is the delivery method of the student during the term. The list of available methods is defined via Delivery Methods in Setup. This field is for reporting purposes only.
- Start Date and End Date: dates when student starts and ends the course.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 05/27/22
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