Edit Program Requirement
ADMINISTRATION -> Programs -> Program -> Edit Program Requirement
This screen is used to edit a requirement of a program of study. A requirement is either a single course or a number of credits out of a range of courses defined by a common subject and optional course level. Three examples of requirements are:
- Student must take course CC101 Introduction to Counselling.
- Student must take 6 credits out of any courses categorized under the subject Human Behavior.
- Student must take 6 credits out of any courses of level 500 or higher categorized under the subject Human Behavior.
Field Descriptions
- Term: this field specifies when the requirement is expected to be fulfilled by the student out of the number of terms is normally takes to complete this program. For example, 2 means that the requirement is expected to be fulfilled in the second term of the student's studies.
- Specialization: leave blank if this is a core requirement which applies no matter the specialization. Select a specialization if this requirement is specific to that specialization. (Note: if a requirement applies to 2 specializations out of 4 available specializations, you will need to create one requirement for each of these 2 specializations.)
- Course and Title: select a specific course by clicking to the right if the requirement consists of a single course. In this case Subject, Min Level and Max Level should all remain empty, while Credits will be by default the number of credits of the course.
- Subject: select a subject (a group of courses) if this is a flexible requirement where the student is expected to fulfill a certain number of credits from the group of courses that are categorized under this subject. See the Subjects help topic for details on how to create a subject and categorize several courses under that subject. You may further restrict the acceptable courses in the subject by specifying a course level below. Course should remain empty if you use a Subject to define your requirement.
- Min Level: minimum level of the courses. Use this in combination with a subject to further restrict the list of acceptable courses.
- Max Level: maximum level of the courses. Use this in combination with a subject to further restrict the list of acceptable courses.
- Credits: number of credits the student is required to earn from the above group of courses. If the requirement is a single course, then this is the number of credits of that course.
Note: a requirement is either a specific course or a number of credits from a group of courses defined by a subject and an optional range level: it cannot be both! The system enforces this rule.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/20
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