Grade Levels
SETUP -> Grade Levels
Grade Levels refer to the academic grade levels of students and are usually determined by their number of earned credits. A grade level is assigned to a student for a given term, so for example: if John Smith is enrolled in the Fall 2017 as a Freshman and is later enrolled in the Fall 2018 as a Sophomore, his Grade Level for Fall 2017 remains Freshman even though he is now a Sophomore in the Fall 2018 term.
Use the upper left Yes/No Active switch and Name field to filter the list by Active/Inactive status and/or by name.
Click on the lower right to add a new grade level via the Edit Grade Level screen.
Click on a row to edit that Grade Level via the Edit Grade Level screen.
Note: College Office automatically determines the Grade Level of a student when enrolling him or her in a term based upon the number of credits earned by the student up to that point and the Min. Credits value of each Grade Level. If a Grade Level should be excluded from this process, set its Min. Credits to -1 or any other negative value.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/20
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