Special Grades
SETUP -> Grading -> Special Grades
College Office must be told which final grade to assign to a student in some special circumstances.
- Audit: select the grade which College Office should assign when enrolling a student in a class as an audit student.
- Failed min average of assignment type: select the grade a student should receive when he fails a class because he did not meet the minimum average requirement of an assignment type (for example: student must have an overall 60% in the class to pass the class, but a minimum of 70% in the "Test" assignment type.) If you only have one failing grade, then select that grade, but if you have several failing grades (D and F for example,) then select which of those should be used. Be sure to select a grade defined as Credit and Non Passing.
- Incomplete: select the grade a student should receive if he still has ungraded/unsubmitted assignments. If you only have one incomplete grade, then select that grade, but if you have several incomplete grades, then select the one that should be used. Be sure to select a grade defined as Incomplete.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/20
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