Home Screen
INSTRUCTOR -> Home Screen
The home screen displays the list of academic terms which are open and in which you have either taught a class or advised a student. Once an academic term has been closed by the registrar it is no longer visible to you.
Wherever you are in the application, click on the upper left corner of the screen to return to the home screen.
From the home screen you can:
- Click on your name (purple link) on the upper left corner of the home page to view and modify your profile or reset your password via the My Profile screen.
- Click the Advisees button to see all the students you are currently advising.
- Click on the tile of an academic term to view your information for that term via the Term screen.
- Click on the bottom task bar to view, print or export various reports.
Note: this screen may also display other buttons configured by your institution to let you access external resources on the web.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/20
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