SETUP -> Statuses
College Office lets you define various statuses that represent the status of a student or the status of a student in their program, their term or their class enrollment records.
- Student Statuses lets you define the possible statuses of a student record, for example: Applied, In Process, Accepted, Rejected, etc.. Define the Student Statuses that best model your admission process as well as your students oversight process. These statuses also add some important NSLDS data.
- Student Term Statuses lets you define the possible statuses of a student term enrollment record, for example: Auditor, Probation, Suspension, Failing, Academic Monitoring, etc.. Define the Student Term Statuses that best model your students oversight process.
- Student Program Statuses lets you define the possible statuses of a student program enrollment record, for example: Accepted, Academic Monitoring, Probation, May Continue, May not Continue, etc.. You can specify whether a status means the student graduated or not from the program by checking or unchecking its Graduated check box. Create the Student Program Statuses that best model your students oversight process.
- Student Class Statuses lets you define the possible statuses of a student class enrollment record, for example: Waiting List, Failing, Probation, etc.. Create the Student Class Statuses that best model your students oversight process.
- High School Graduation Statuses lets you define the possible the High School graduation statuses of a student for reporting purposes, for example: High School Degree, GED Degree, Did not Graduate, etc.. Define the graduation statuses that satisfy your reporting needs. Define the graduation statuses that satisfy your reporting needs.Define the graduation statuses that satisfy your reporting needs.Define the graduation statuses that satisfy your reporting needs.Define the graduation statuses that satisfy your reporting needs.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/16/22
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