The screen shows all the grades used by your institution.
- Grade: Name of the grade, for example 'A' or 'C+'. The name must be unique unless the grade is inactive.
- GPV: Grade Point Value of this grade when computing the GPA (Grade Point Average) of students. For example, 'A' usually has a GPV of 4.0 in the US. The GPV is only relevant when "Use in GPA" and "Credit" are both set to "Yes".
- From: and To: Range of student class averages which are mapped to this grade. College Office uses this to automatically determine the final grade of a student in a class from the grade-book. College Office will compute an average percentage grade (rounded to 2 decimal points) from the grade-book and assign the active grade for which this average is greater or equal to From: and less or equal to To: (see also the Assignment or the Students page of the Class help topics.)
- Passing: "Yes" if this is a passing grade. "No" if this is a failing grade. This is only meaningful for Credit grades.
- Credit: "Yes" (the normal setting) if the credits of the class count towards the number of tried credits and, if this is also a passing grade, towards the number of credits earned, "No" otherwise (in which case the grade has no effect on the GPA and does not count towards the number of credits tried or earned).
Tip: You should define an "Audit" grade with "Credit", "Withdraw" & "Incomplete" all set to "No" ("Passing" and "Use in GPA" are irrelevant when "Credit" is set to "No"), then assign this grade at the beginning of the term to students taking the class for audit. - GPA: "Yes" if this grade is used when computing the GPA of a student, "No" if this grade is ignored when computing the GPA. Note that "Passing" and "Use in GPA" are only relevant when "Credit" is set to "Yes". This is only meaningful for Credit grades.
- Inc.: Incomplete: "Yes" if the grade means that the student did not complete all assignments.
- Withd.: Withdrawn: "Yes" if this grade means the student withdrew, "No" otherwise.
- Excl.: Exclude from Transcript: "Yes" if this grade means that the student class record should be excluded from the transcript. If set to "Yes" then College Office will also set Credit , Incomplete, Passing and Use In GPA to "No".
- Over.: Overwrite: "Yes" (default) if this grade can be overwritten when College Office re-computes the final grade of a student in a class, "No" otherwise.
Use the upper left Yes/No Active switch to filter the list by Active/Inactive status.
Click on a row to edit that grade via the Edit Grade screen.
Click on the lower right corner to add a new grade via the Edit Grade screen.
© College Office, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/20
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